- No work that has already been published elsewhere. Permission from UnderMain is required to publish work elsewhere after initial publication.
- Disclose any potential conflicts of interest. In such instances, provide a one- or two-sentence disclaimer.
- All initial submissions (not pitches) should be accompanied by a two-sentence bio and pic (.jpg max 1 Mb) of the author. Your bio will appear with subsequent submissions. Please update as necessary.
- The word count is an editorial call made in consultation with you.
- Final instructions will be provided for uploading all articles, photos and details by the editorial staff.
Guidelines On Submitting Text
- Submit article in Microsoft Word format only.
Include caption details, especially photo credits, for all photos (Example: Bani Abidi, The Man Who Talked Until He Disappeared, 2019. Watercolor on paper, 9.4″ x 12″, Courtesy of the artist and Experimenter, Kolkata). This information should be included at the bottom of your text document
- Studio visits should include images of the art mentioned in your text. Studio shots and works-in-progress are desirable when possible.
- Exhibition reviews should include images of art provided by the gallery or museum when possible or photos taken by the writer with permission of the exhibitor.
Guidelines For Submitting Photos/Images
- Captions of artwork must include artist name, title, year, materials, and size.
- Photos must be in jpg/jpeg format.
- Photos must not exceed 1Mb in size.